Friday, October 5, 2012

Roxy Pink Project 2012

 Hello everyone!

Let's welcome the month of October with lots of love and kindness as we are spreading the pink love to all the ladies this entire month.

             October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness worldwide and Roxy is taking this opportunity to join hand in hand with the rest of the world in spreading the awareness with each other. This year’s Roxy Pink Project tagline is, “Keep Your Boobies Off The Endangered List”.

             According to the latest statistics provided by Malaysia Cancer Council (MAKNA), breast cancer is the most common cancer in females and also the first most common cancer among population regardless of sex in Malaysia.

Female Breast Cancer Statistic in the year 2007

             Based on Radiology, the Age Standardised Rate (ASR) of female breast cancer is 47.4 per 100,000 population (National Cancer Registry Report 2003-2005). Amongst the Chinese, it is higher at 59.9 per 100,000 population, for the Indians, the ASR is 54.2 per 100,000 and it is lowest in the Malays at 34.9 per 100,000 population.

              A woman in Malaysia has a 1 in 20 chance of getting breast cancer in her lifetime. It is advisable for women at the age of 18 years and above to get an early detection. It's better to be early than being too late.

Roxy has bunch of activities planned out to spread the awareness this whole month. Customer can now get a free limited edition “Keep Your Boobies Off The Endangered List” notebook (while stocks last) which contains facts on breast cancer, BSE guide and period tracker, each time when you spend RM150 and above in our stores.

          Moreover, we are gathering the Roxy girls to participate in a contest where they are required to design a Roxy Tee, D.I.Y style. The girls will be guided and briefed regarding fashion designing by the professionals from Snips College of Creative Art (SCCA) Fashion Academy.

The Pink Tee for the D.I.Y contest

                 Besides that, the Roxy Pink Team will be in Quiksilver Mid Valley Megamall this Sunday, 7th October 2012, as they will be spreading the pink love to everyone. Customers will also stand a chance to draw a prize and members will get a free pink cupcake with minimum spend of RM150.

We will also be participating in the Alamanda Putrajaya Pink October Fashion show on the 14th October 2012, from 3PM onwards. Join us and you might get a glimpse of our new collections that we have in stores.

You can catch the Roxy Pink Team on these dates from 10am till 10pm and just MAYBE get some free goodies from them:-
13th October 2012 - Quiksilver Sunway Pyramid
14th October 2012 - Quiksilver Alamanda Putrajaya

So, let's go pink and share the Pink love among each other.

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